
How Can You Harness the Power of Reviews – GF009

Online reviews for Dentists are a big thing in 2021 and it’s only really just lifting off now. A few years ago I had an appointment with an ENT consultant and the first thing I did was google his name. Most of our patients are googling us and our online reputation is critical. In this episode I am joined by the founder of Doctify, Dr Suman Saha to help you get more high quality reviews for your practice.

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Protrusive Dental Pearl: How to increase the success rate of capturing review: Consider text messaging and/or having a tablet in your practice so they can leave it immediately after treatment.

In this Group Function we discussed:

  • What is the role of patient Reviews dentistry? (07:02)
  • Doctify vs different online review sites/apps such as Google Reviews (08:39)
  • How can we make sure the reviews are accurate? How to overcome fake reviews (12:18)
  • How to create a win-win scenario between Principals (the practice) and associates (that want their reviews to stick with them) (17:48)
  • How to get dentists (who might be introverts) to have awkward conversation with patients and ask for reviews (24:20)

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Click here for Full Episode Transcription:

Opening Snippet: You know even if you're not paying for it yourself just knowing that actually this person's an expert or can deal with the condition that i know i'm going to see him for or her is like it's so powerful and i think that's what we want to try and solve...

Jaz’s Introduction: Hello, Protruserati. I’m Jaz Gulati and welcome to this group function where we answer a really big and important question i get quite a lot from our colleagues. Now you guys know that I’ve been using something called Doctify to collect reviews but the number one objection or query I get from dentists is that hey Jaz, you use Doctify but my principal is being really funny about me collecting my own reviews. How did you overcome this or something related to the fact that there’s some sort of friction between principals and associates? Like even if you collect google reviews as an associate when you are doing all the hard work to gain the google reviews to uplift the goodwill and the reputation of the practice but what if you leave that practice those reviews don’t go with you. So we asked Dr. Suman, who is actually an orthopedic surgeon, who actually created Doctify to answer this very important question as well as how to harness the power of dental review so even if you don’t use Doctify you will gain something about how to use reviews in a clever way. How to collect more reviews and how to actually improve the social proof of your practice. Hope you enjoy this group function. 

Main Interview:

[Jaz] Part of this podcast is journeys. Learning what motivates people learning about the different routes people take. So Suman, do you practice clinical density at the moment? 

[Suman] No, so my background is so I’m not a dentist. So I’m gonna put it out there now, I’m not a dentist. 

[Jaz] You know, what I totally thought you were. I totally thought you were. 

[Suman] So this has been super interesting learning because I’ve been in and around dentistry for three, four years now and I’ve got a lot of dental friends. So I’m an orthopedic surgeon by background so i trained in London, myself is an orthopedic registrar when we found the Doctify and then I guess we’ve been in dentistry because we started the healthcare and medicine and surgery because that’s what I knew but we suddenly went on to our site and I think the third most searched thing was dentistry even though we had no dentist, we weren’t working with dentists about four years ago and so we basically just knew one of the things people not even patients just people care about is finding a good dentist. How do they find a good dentist and then that’s why we kind of started the journey on the dentistry on. 

[Jaz] Okay, well let’s roll back the years a little bit your position as an orthopedic surgeon. Now are you still practicing medicine now and surgery now? 

[Suman] I’ve had. I’ve been a very long sabbatical so it’s been a few years now. So i guess if to so i was i trained in London myself and Stephanie, my co-founder both orthopedic surgeons. We started the company around five, five and a half years ago and then we’ve been full time for at least three years now I think. I think this there’s something which is pretty quite interesting to your listeners there’s something called the NHS clinical entrepreneur scheme, which is really looking for basically forward-thinking health professionals dentists, physios, doctors, surgeons whoever it may be and it allows you to basically work in innovation whilst maintaining some clinical practice or taking time out actually protecting your training taking time out so you can use you can work in innovation. 

[Jaz] And that’s what you took the advantage of right? 

[Suman] Yes, I did. So I was doing both things it was a full-time job in orthopedics, we were both in the evenings. We were working on setting up doctor 5 many years ago and then it just didn’t become sustainable like you just have so much going on and then so we applied for this NHS scheme and I guess that was the first stepping stone of giving us a bit of bandwidth to actually work primarily on Doctify and really make this happen and then the rest is history I guess and then it’s kind of grown rapidly since then. 

[Jaz] Amazing and tell us about this move to the UAE like just give us a little flavor of that. 

[Suman] So I guess so I said the UK was obviously our base and we had really strong growth in the UK so it was going well and then I guess we realize healthcare is healthcare, you know, wherever you are in the world, there’s an issue like you know whether you’re in UAE, Germany, US. Everyone kind of wants to find good health professionals it’s one of the most anxious moments we go through, unfortunately ourselves even as professionals would go through it, family members would go through it. So we kind of realized that this is not a UK-centric problem. Often when you train and live and we’re born and brought up in the UK, it’s the whole world and then you suddenly realize actually you can really apply this elsewhere so and there’s traditional healthcare links between UAE and the UK. There always have been and so it was really like a natural testing ground for UAE. We’re actually now since we’re launched in Germany, Austria as well and soon probably two more markets by the end of the year so and then really it’s the same problem we’re trying to solve like it’s the same thing regardless of where you are in the world. 

[Jaz] Amazing now and that is really cool. I really like your story about going for the NHS clinical sort of I think it’s called entrepreneurship scheme. That’s really clever and I think that’s probably still available today for some people who may be looking for that kind of stuff? 

[Suman] 100%. I know there was a big push in dentistry two, three years ago so I really would encourage anyone with an idea. It’s like a nice soft like no commitment stepping stone like if you’re you know a practicing dentist and you’ve always had ideas and you’re into innovation it’s a really great scheme to just join up to you know, basically become part of the community 

[Jaz] Funnily enough i actually went to this. I actually went to like an open day for this like a little meeting with some doctors, I was there regarding this scheme actually and I just decided that I just love. At that time I was still developing as a dentist and I had so much to learn and was just so much learners I can’t step away from my clinical commitments just yet so that’s why I didn’t go you know full bolt into that but I appreciate what you’ve done is that you’ve actually saw that okay there’s a big problem beyond just you know the small number of patients you can help. You can actually help the bigger picture here so I really respect the fact that you made that very bold decision to do what you’re doing now which is amazing. Do you miss the practice of medicine? 

[Suman] I miss it a lot. I often, I mean I joke it’s that it would always be less stressful to do a clinic now to sit down and see pain. I really miss that interaction but I guess it’s like you said the idea is that we, I do think that we can help people on a lot a wider scale instead of viewing tens of thousands, you can help millions potentially 

[Jaz] Well, the one thing I want to talk about is the power of reviews. I guess I appreciated this around about four years ago myself, obviously, reviews are a huge thing now even four years ago they’re big but reviews some years ago it’s more something that you associate with like you know tripadvisor go into restaurants and finding out where to eat right? And then when I had a coming up with an ENT surgeon about my nose and there were some so a few issues going on previous cricket injuries and stuff. I always seemed to get injured playing cricket and the first thing I did is I Googled the name of this ENT surgeon before I was going to see him privately and I was really encouraged to see all these positive reviews and stuff and I almost felt as though I knew him the guy before I got there for my consultation and that’s when I appreciated, hey you know if I’m Googling this orthopedic surgeon then dentistry being the second most intimate you know part of the body surely patients who are very anxious are Googling us as dentists and I think that’s happening more and more and more now is that do you think the what the trend is now and was that the sort of rationale behind creating Doctify and going into dentistry? 

[Suman] Yeah no absolutely so I think it’s I mean it was a personal experience so like I guess I’ve told this backstory many times but it was Stephanie. I was looking for a dermatologist, we were friends, we trained together and she was looking, she had a problem she was looking for a dermatologist and she couldn’t find one she went on to Google and basically ending up seeing someone paying a lot of money. She saw them privately and didn’t have a great experience and actually that person was not as I guess had the expertise to deal with the problems she had but she had no idea and I and it kind of just when clinicians can’t find other good clinicians even though they’re in the sector you just suddenly think how lost the patient is or what sort of decisions they’re making for themselves and I think you know it’s weird to think about it but Google didn’t exist I know 10 years ago, 15 years ago like it’s like it wasn’t a thing now it’s just so natural to pick up your phone and even if you’re going to see an NHS dentist or doctor or surgeon. You kind of still goggle their name just to see and I think if you can get good information back and trusted information that even that changes that interaction you have with that clinician. You know even if you’re not paying for it yourself just knowing that actually this person’s an expert or can deal with the condition that I know I’m going to see him for or her is like it’s so powerful and I think that’s what we want to try and solve. 

[Jaz] So I think we appreciate now in dentistry the value of reviews. I think it’s growing more and more the trends on Instagram is that as soon as people will put a google review people then share it on Instagram and whatnot so I can totally see why Doctify has his role. So a couple of questions I have I’m gonna challenge you, Suman, I’m gonna really put you on the spot here is why bother with Doctify when you have google reviews? Okay, that’s the first probably objection, you might get and then I’ll tell you my second one shortly. So this answer I think I know why you have it but I want to hear it from you. 

[Suman] So yeah so I’ll go back a bit I think so just to clarify like what you mentioned in every sector you read reviews now, every sector and whether you’re buying a bed or whether you know going on holiday or going to a restaurant. So and I think well the most important thing about reviews now is the quality and the trust so reviews have now become a thing but I think you’ll see a lot of stuff around now is are they verified? Are they trusted? Did that person actually go see that use that service, let’s call it that for example? 

[Jaz] Like fake amazon reviews big thing now. 

[Suman] Yes, it’s everywhere and they’re all doing things to like combat that and I think that’s because there were lots of open review services like that which is I think still a good thing because it’s been proven there’s still lots of them are that are true and verified but there’s two things that happen. So google reviews you mentioned is it captures the extreme. So I know we did a survey of like hundreds of providers in the clinics and hospitals around the world and these are hospitals that have seen 10,000 patients 100,000 patients how many Google reviews do you think they had? 

[Jaz] Hardly any and they’re probably like the odd five star and loads of one star because that’s what people want. People, obviously they want to tell more people right? 

[Suman] Absolutely 50, it’s like 50 to 100 and I almost found that sad so basically you get the really ecstatic people which they really want to tell their story and then you have the really unhappy people who then go well i really want to event and I guess what I find quite sad is like you know your practicing clinician now you have most your patients are very happy you can see. Loads of happy patients every single day but you’re just not capturing it. You know people and that’s whether your huge hospital a big thriving practice, you know dental practice or just an associate within a practice, you’re seeing patients every day and I guess we know that there’s amazing healthcare being delivered but it’s not being captured so I get I guess how do we capture it regularly so it represents you and then I guess the one elephant in the room is things go wrong. 

This is healthcare things are going to go wrong in dentistry, medicine whatever and you just have to accept that and I think what I’m trying to do is say well if you have a bad review that’s not a bad thing in fact how you reply to that is so so powerful because it tells you more about me as you as a clinician to me like if you apply and go you know what I’m really sorry this happened this time I’m gonna fix it. I’m gonna go see you now like I’m gonna be like that, when things go wrong you look after me but that only works if you’re capturing reviews across the board. It doesn’t work if you’re capturing outliers because then you’ve got like three bad reviews, three good reviews, and is that really representing your care? I would you know you and I would both argue it’s not. 

[Jaz] Well said and I think it’s great you mentioned the fact that you know to draw a parallel to like the restaurant industry. I actually like those restaurants where you go and then you have the odd bad review but then how the restaurant or the manager responded to that, just shows how much they care. It’s the same in healthcare like you know how you respond really just show about your values but your point really leads nicely to my next question which is you don’t want just all the outliers. You want to capture as much as possible but here is my, I’m a happy Doctify user and I think patients do come in quoting the fact that hey I read your reviews. 

Now I don’t have a google review page. So it must have been my Doctify reviews or the fact when I’ve embedded my Doctify reviews on my personal website and I speak to Alex and he says that my Doctify page gets over 600 views a month. Which was like wow I didn’t know it had that sort of exposure and I do, I’m quite an open book I mean I’m out there on YouTube, Tik Tok, etcetera but I’m quite impressed that when you Google my name you know Doctify’s up there like right number one, number two something like that which is pretty awesome but here’s my beef with Doctify and I’m gonna just keeps it very open honest with you but I’m gonna give an opportunity just reply to me. My beef is this, is that I think it’s better than just Google reviews because of everyone who’s been bit by a fake review or a negative review that you know or a competitor down the street writing, giving you a zero star. That’s a terrible thing so I think what Doctify gives you is verified, right? You could only someone who’s actually definitely been a patient of yours can leave a Doctify review that’s correct, right? 

[Suman] Yeah

[Jaz] But my worry is that when I read Doctify reviews online of other dentists I feel like they’re too skewed towards positive there’s like you know I’ve got 4-5 star reviews. When I get someone who’s not the happiest I’m less likely to give them my link to lead them to the review. So do we have a problem here in being able to compare dentists because if everyone’s got like a 100% five stars there is a problem in that? How can we combat that? 

[Suman] Yeah so it’s a good really good question and okay I’m gonna take it in two parts. So one now you’re more confident as we’ve just discussed it that actually replying to negative reviews is a good thing. So Jaz, you’re going to be way more confident and you know that unhappy patient you get feedback from me, you’re going to reply and that’s what I want to get people I guess that’s my well that’s our goal and our vision of where we want to get people to and I guess it’s all automated reviews. So we build software really so yes so we see Doctify’s a publishing platform you know it’s not about generating patients. It’s about where we publish the feedback and we basically give you software whether that’s tablets verified review links. We work with like the big providers like so we can automate it from SOE or r4 whatever it may be and we can literally automate a link to every patient that goes into a dental practice for any family dentist and we do that with our big chains we work with and stuff so that that kind of combats that. 

Now you’re absolutely right there is still a reluctance to be like ‘oh that patient’s not happy let’s try not to get them to leave a review. It’s you know and I’ll be honest five years ago no one would even let me leave them a positive review. I couldn’t even get a clinician to say please review me. So I think it’s like this path we’re on to get getting there and I can now go on and show you like 10, 20, 100 of native reviews with dentists and doctors replying and they would never I could say they would never have done that five years ago. They’d have been scared, they’ve been on but the reason they’re more confident is those clinicians are asking every patient to leave feedback. They’re getting good representative feedback and it becomes less scary, it becomes way less scary I mean and I think I want to try and I guess fill them with confidence that they’re going to get good reviews and I do lots of talks on this then you say in uber there’s a big difference between a 2.8 uber driver and a 4.0 uber driver you always give me like something’s going on there with a 2.8 uber driver. 

In healthcare actually, we’re all highly trained professionals. We actually I like to think that most people have you know even if they’re having a bad day they’re providing a very good service on a daily basis and there’s actually a big difference between 4.4 and 4.8 and we’ve got all this data we’ve seen it and I guess that’s the thing we’re trying to show people is that it’s amazing healthcare and they’re almost if you’re creeping into 4.4, 4.3 well let’s look into it. Let’s look into the reviews. Let’s look into the feedback. Let’s analyze it and that’s where I guess where we sit now is A) let’s make it representative and represent the industry as it should be. There’s amazing care like particularly through COVID I know like super stressful, there’s amazing care being delivered It pains me that I go online and that’s not represented in dentistry still not represented. and then let’s learn from it so we build like an analytics tool you can basically learn like what are your patients saying about you. 

So I know for example we work with one chain and we can analyze their reviews for COVID like how do they perform during COVID and you don’t think patients would be like ‘oh it wasn’t COVID safe, it wasn’t this. They mentioned COVID a lot but actually, most patients mentioned it in a positive way. They made the point of saying I felt safe and COVID safe. So despite COVID I went into this clinic and I felt really safe and that was such a good learning point for the chain to be like you know what we’ve ticked a box we’re actually doing something well and just things like that and you know we’ve had hospitals chains, their reception team because they go we love the clinicians but the receptionist was a bit moody and it was literally like the same thing happening over and over again and but because they weren’t collecting feedback on a daily basis they never knew. They kind of maybe suspected things. 

So our aim is actually to take this review data and this is where I guess we’re different from google views and I want to feed it back to you as a clinician and be like this is what I’m doing really well, this may be what I need to work on well actually just keep it up. You know that’s kind of what we’re trying to do now 

[Jaz] Well one of the arms of clinical governance is to actually get that data from patients patient satisfaction and if you’re able to give them a link to Doctify to leave a review for example that’s a verified patient then you can collect so much data and that can form as part of a portfolio for ‘hey what are we doing good, what can we do better?’ So I definitely appreciate that. I’m going to pitch you another scenario now, I’m going to make it very tangible for you and related to medicine maybe. Imagine you have an orthopedic surgeon who works in a couple of different chains or let’s say three different chains, in the private sector. Three different private hospitals and so he has three different contracts. That orthopedic surgeon, when I searched for that ENT surgeon I told you about. I wanted to know about him. I didn’t care about the hospital as much as I cared about him and the care he was going to give me, right? 

The big problem that I’m because obviously, I’ve mentioned, I’ve talked about Doctify a lot on the podcast for something I’ve been you know very open and honest about I like it, I have it on my website and people ask me a lot about Doctify and the biggest barrier I’m getting or the biggest issue I’m having the friction I’m having is principals and associates. So in the same way you know, the associate may move clinic one day and they want their reviews to go with them because it represents them as a clinician equally the clinician is working on the premise of the practice and the practice wants to generate reviews. So there is real friction there. Any thoughts as to how best to have a win-win and create a diplomatic scenario? 

[Suman] Yeah, so maybe I’m an idealist but so like it’s a very happy you scratch my back, I scratch your relationship. You know it’s a harmonious relationship and that you know yes they may wake up at some point but the truth is the practice is benefiting from the associate working there seeing patients doing a good job and generating you know revenues let’s be honest like from there and the prac.. and that’s great and then the associate as well is bringing work in if they do a good job they bring work in and it’s like, it like the two don’t work without each other. So it’s like I find it difficult when this and maybe as a clinician there’s this power play and it happens in medicine as well. 

So the same scenario, a consultant works in three different hospitals and I guess they’re a bit further down where they’re basically like we’re going to use this consultant to generate you know as someone who works here with a good reputation and generate pay, if he moves on he moves on that’s fine but whilst he’s with us we’re going to use that and I guess I’m trying to get principles to that point because I see it as you’ve got to have a good working environment, a good team. You’ve got to like make them feel empowered, you go you know, you’ve got a new associate joins the practice no one wants to see the associate. Why? 

Because they want to see the principal. Like very I’m sure it’s a very common thing because they’re the experienced person. She’s been doing it for 20 years, you’re new so I actually say to them, ‘look why didn’t you validate them? Give them a colleague so you know we have colleague recommendations. So I’ve trained this associate they’re really good and I recommend them for these procedures like I get feedback for that associate. Now the argument then is well, I’ve built up this associate, great. Now they leave, my argument then is well you’ve used that associate to work for you as an employer who’s worked for you like you know given their time worked hard. They kind of you know it’s almost a bit maybe vindictive to be like well, now I’ve built you up, I don’t want you to be successful elsewhere. I would hope that there’s this kind of happy roundabout where we’re all in it together, we’re all looking after patients ultimately. I know this is a bit idealistic but that’s where that’s how I say it. That’s you know I don’t think there’s ever going to be a perfect scenario but I, well the way we say it is ultimately the reviews for the person are the persons of use we use the practice of the person for the practice because you’ve got to like you know ultimately that’s the person’s identity in that and their, you know, their expertise. 

[Jaz] I agree with you totally and it’s just there is an element of toxicity around the atmosphere in the UK Dentistry at the moment for sure whereby there is this friction I do feel way more associates would have something like Doctify if there wasn’t this friction or this difficult conversation with the practice and I think what you’re saying is very idealist and should be the way forward but I can understand from the principal side as well that they want to collect reviews for practice because it’s their babies, their investment and they want to grow the practice rather than this associate.

[Suman] So can I answer to counter that. You know on you know what if you know if an associate chose to collect reviews themselves, a principal can’t really stop them or can they is that were you saying actually? 

[Jaz] I’ll put it this way. You’re self-employed so really you can’t. 

[Suman] Okay, so no, so my argument is that they are they’re trying to improve their practice they want to understand what their patients. They’re new to the bit you know to dentistry like in terms of practice you know I don’t want to encourage associates to do it and then I would say to the principal look you’ve got a really good associate on your hands who patients are loving. Use them to build your practice, your thing and it’s like you know if you’re really smart and, to be honest, you know we work like with a few chains where all the associates are and all the dentists are on and it is working really well for them. Yes well, one day they may move on but to be honest, during that period you’ve really really built your practice, you know you’ve got a patient who’s walked through the door now are they some may follow an associate you, right potentially but some will also be like actually I, you know, I’ve been in practice for five years and I, you know, like that and that’s the way, that’s life I guess.

[Jaz] I think it’s the difference between having a growth mindset and appreciating that you know you’re doing everything to build everyone up and grow and then there’s a fixed mindset. So I think there’s you know the principal who’s very much against their associates collecting reviews has that very narrow fixed mindset, whereas, the principal are like yeah let’s go for it you know you’re gonna bring more business in has a growth mindset so I think there’s a definitely a mindset issue there and I think you’re right you know a principal can’t stop there, legally I don’t think their associate collecting reviews it just creates potentially some friction. So I’ll tell you how I do, Suman, because I want to keep my principal sweet and I do notice that you know I’ve got more reviews in my Doctify than one of our practices has on the entire google reviews, right? I don’t have that many still, I could be doing better and that’s the next question I’m gonna ask you is just lack of time and stuff but yeah I know you guys make it easy so we’ll discuss that but what one thing I’ve started to do now is for everyone review that I collect from my Doctify, I’ll make sure that the next patient I’ll get one for the practice who uses google reviews or who may use Doctify or whatever right? So that is for now a happy ground it’s not a conversation I’ve had on principal, it’s just me out of respect doing that because I think there’s plenty of reviews to go around so you keep everyone sweet.

[Suman] Yeah and then just on that I guess we’ve built it because it’s a good point you’ve made is that we can actually with your review link you can actually collect reviews for the practice, you know we can actually set up your practice so that every time you collect feedback same as your practice and vice-versa and that’s what I’m trying to do like create this harmonious balance is you know depending on the scenario a patient does go ‘oh this is the dentist and this is the practice’ and I want both to be almost tick the box on both you know this is like you know it’s the same with medicine you know some may go oh it’s practice first because I like the big shiny practice then I’m going to choose who I see or somebody go well actually I just want a really good dentist and I’m less concerned about practice but generally they will almost sanity check both so I, you know, to even to your point I would be like let’s get your practice set up. Let’s keep them happy because I want to collect more and more you know for us. It’s we don’t make money off patients we, I literally just want to capture all these stories like as many as we can you know as high volume and ultimately then validate good care which I’m sure is happening. 

[Jaz] Amazing, perfect. So my final question is what is your recommended advice to dentists to help them have those conversations about collecting reviews. A lot of dentists are shy. A lot of dentists are introverts and they don’t want to get these video testimonials. They don’t want to like push this upon them. So there’s actually a communication issue there. 

What advice can you give to dentists when it comes to collecting reviews and collecting feedback and testimonials? 

[Suman] Yeah, so I guess the simplest one let’s say they’re completely independent. They don’t have access to the practice software or they can’t send, they can’t collect them by the practice let’s say volume sake. So one thing is you just you know after you’ve treated the patient you know typically even at the end of a treatment plan so you’ve discharged them you’ve done everything it’s just be like I love I’d love some feedback on your care and you send them a little link and it’s neat. It’s a template email and our team are very good at kind of making them feel engaged and hey you’re doing two things you’re showing them that you actually care about your practice and improving and becoming a better dentist and you’re also checking in on them and saying are you doing okay post-care, how are things email me back if there’s anything you want to discuss. 

So that whole thing about negative reviews again comes now is that you will have less negative google views as a practice or as a dentist if you start taking these steps. If at the end of a treatment plan you take the time to just say how are you, anything go wrong, are things great. They’re going to directly come to you, they’re going to directly email you back and go you know what things are great or actually, things are good but there’s this one concern I have. So you’re instantly you know reducing your complaints, you’re reducing everything, your negative reviews and that’s really low touch. You can be an introvert and send an email. Super easy and that’s what I would suggest. 

[Jaz] Very good and it’s something I do as well as asking verbally and sometimes even video testimonials. Are there is any data that we have to inform us as to what improves the success rate of collecting a review for example sometimes I’ll ask a patient hey will you leave me a review they’ll say yes I email the link and they don’t leave a review because they just don’t take that final step but now I imagine if Imagine the lowest rate of review collecting is you don’t even ask a patient and you send them an email right and that’s probably going to get a low percentage return because they weren’t even expecting it? I think by asking or telling the patient, Hey, I’m going to send you an email that probably increases it. Now is there anything else I could be doing to increase the acceptance rate 

[Suman] Yeah, good question. So I actually don’t think you need to ask them so actually, I think the industry has changed enough that they’re always expecting a little bit I think it’s great to ask them but to your point, some people don’t feel comfortable as clinicians then I would almost be like it’s not essential. Now email like we all have like email overload now I mean we all have like junk emails or main email another email it’s like crazy so emails has the lowest like conversion of like sending an email, giving a link and getting it back. Text message now this is where you need your practice management system a text link will have a much higher, you text their phone they let you fill it out and it’s done we’ll have the highest and then we’ve got tablets to set within the practice that obviously has you know where the receptionist can just say we’d love to get feedback we have these nice branded stands to sit in the practice. It’s you know you know it’s a bit it’s almost like those smiley faces that you see. So we have those like sitting in dental practice as well and that obviously has if done right has a really high you know their practice is capturing 60-70 percent but we’ve done a, I think we have probably one of the most reviewed dental chains in the country now because they automated from their software, a text message that just goes out after a treatment plan so we literally have the well you know one of the most reviewed like chains in the country if not like even regionally in Europe I can tell you now because again back to Google you’re capturing like 50 100 reviews when you see thousands of patients so that there’s you know the technology’s moved on enough. That there’s a lot you can do 

[Jaz] That is a Protrusive pearl right there I think that’s amazing so I think the take-home message there is yeah email is good but we are getting email overload to consider text messaging to get increase your success rate of capturing review and even having a tablet in the practice which I know you guys have been good at setting up the QR codes and stuff which is very forward-thinking and that’s awesome. Suman, you answered all my questions I really appreciate all that. Is there anything else that you want to say? 

[Suman] Well, I guess, there’s two things I think because I’m super interested in your listeners and also like we’re really open on like feedback particularly from the dental community so I’d really encourage anyone who’s got ideas who want to push us you know good and bad I do I really love hearing it. That’s number one. 

The second thing is I think there’s one thing we’re trying to do and that’s not we talked about reviews and they’re quite specific like quite generic like my pet peeve is generic reviews ‘oh this is a five-star dentist’ it’s a five-star clinic great. I want to actually look meaningful views and i think that’s what we’re trying to do so and this comes back to like being recommended for specific condition or procedure that you perform so and this comes back to general dentistry to cosmetic to specialist stuff to you know endodontics whatever it may be so I was talking to a friend the other day and he was like there’s same day implants now you know there’s that you know you can do and you know you do 3d printing and yeah I’m not a dental expert, so I’m not going to say the right thing but you do same thing and it’s a new thing it’s cool tech and imagine collecting 100 reviews for that specific procedure and that’s what we want to get to and that’s whether you’re an associate or principal or for invisalign or for whatever it may be and you know or you know you treat gum disease and you’re one of the best perio people in the country, I want you to be recommended for that specific thing so where as a patient I could be anywhere in the world and I can go I have had this real big problem with let’s say gum disease I’ve seen five specials that hasn’t worked i now want to find the world’s expert and our plan is to go on you go on Doctify, you can find someone who’s got recommendations from colleagues, a thousand reviews for gum disease and that’s the person you can go see now and that’s i guess what i want to encourage the dentistry to go so I’m always open to ideas, it’s about yeah people are smart now like they’ve reviews everywhere and i mean what all that means is they go ‘oh five stars great but five stars five stars they go I’m gonna read them I’m gonna understand them are they deep they’re going deep into who what i want as a patient. I just encourage people to start thinking a bit more like that, particularly because we all train for a long time you then do specialist training and then you know all this stuff and like you generally people are experts in four or five things like you tend to get really good at certain things and also I guess you as a dentist correct me if I’m wrong there’s certain types of patients you want to see. Like the patients, you don’t want to see places you want to see and it really helps if you can then start positioning yourself as an expert in something you will start to see the patients you actually want to see and that’s going to provide better care because you’re seeing patients you enjoy seeing you want to see you know you know you can help them because you’re an expert in that field so I think there’s so much so reviews is one thing but I think there’s a lot more you can do with it and I guess that’s what I want to open people’s minds to is it’s yes it starts with just making sure I look good online but there’s a lot more you can do with it.

[Jaz] Well said it’s about the quality of the review it’s about establishing yourself in that niche whichever niche you’re in and really giving that social proof for that niche yeah the power of a good review just I had a good treatment, everything was clean that’s it. you actually want to come in and say oh I had one recently oh I came in to see Jaz because I’ve been suffering with TMD for years. He spent his time, he listened to me, he adjusted the splint and now my headaches are gone that’s the kind of review you want and I totally get your point and I think I’m so glad you raised that 

[Suman] Yeah and exactly and so you almost want another patient who has that same problem now let’s say like who can then find that review really easily go like finally I found a dentist who has actually got experience in treating this has got results showing that good results are great I’m gonna go see them, Yeah so I think it’s yeah it’s there’s a lot you can do with it and for your associates, get in touch with us I will bring transparency to the dental market. I’m super passionate about it we’ve done it in medicine so like we really we want to work with people so if there are people who are a bit skeptical, a bit unsure on how they do it, or their associate. 

So they’re not sure how to kind of navigate the I guess the politics of the industry where there’s always things we can do and help you know and I’m really open like in terms of we can help the practice like even in your studio I’m more than happy to set up your principal in the practice make them feel good like you know you’re collecting reviews, let’s help them do it the same process like there’s lots we can do so I would I think Alex is our head of dental has got a special treat for anyone who I think quotes this podcast and gets in touch with him and he’s going to look after him he’s going to help him through the journey 

[Jaz] Yeah, he’s been very good in the past. He helped sponsor one of my conferences occlusion 2020 with Michael Melkers and I believe that I need to get an update for this I believe is 50 off for the first four months but I, you know, don’t quote me on that just yet, I’ll do it in the intro and outro.

[Suman] I’ll cover it yeah, well it’s fine but they if, they get in touch we could like for us honestly we’re a subscription business so it’s our goal is to work with as many dentists across the country. We’re not like exclusive you know healthcare’s healthcare so I, you know, we will you know we can we’ll help like work with whoever so I’m really really keen to engage people whatever level of experience whatever stage they are in their training. 

[Jaz] Amazing. Suman, thank you so much for coming on today and giving time up in your very busy schedule to come and join us today thank you so much. 

[Suman] Thanks, Jaz nice talking to you. Take care. 

[Jaz] Hope you enjoyed that group function with Dr. Suman, everyone and I’ll catch you in the next episode. Let me know what kind of topics you want I’m always happy to answer and make these group functions you know where it says @protrusivedental on the Instagram page Thank you so much for watching or listening all the way to the end.

Hosted by
Jaz Gulati

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