

How to take studio style dental photos

I have been using the humble Ring Flash for years. It is how I was taught and how any beginner should be taught for dental photography. The lighting from a ring flash is shadowless and perfect for posterior quadrant shots and mirror shots. The ring...

Occlusion Demystified

I go on a lot of courses and continually invest in learning from the best Dentists in the world. Most recently, I attended Barry Glassman’s full-day seminar titled ‘Myth busting occlusion for the General Dentist’. I could now see...


My wife needed a laptop for just emails and word processing. Something simple, no frills. I found an inexpensive laptop at Currys that seemed to fit the bill. However, I also noted some other models which were only slightly more expensive but were...

Brewing the right culture

In the last 5 years, I have been fortunate enough to have worked in a variety of environments, in unique clinics in the UK and abroad (Singapore), and in both primary (Private and NHS associate) and NHS secondary care (Guy’s Hospital, London, and...

Looking back

About 4 years ago I attended ‘The Young Dentist Conference’ in London. One of the lecturers was Ken Harris, who I had already seen lecture before about porcelain veneers. He was funny and charismatic as ever. I went away inspired, and...

Improving Zirconia Bonding

Top bonding tips for working with Zirconia from Dr. Nasser Barghi (SDA Convention 2017) I really enjoyed Dr Nasser Barghi’s lecture on All-Ceramic restorations. He has lectured worldwide on this topic and I saw him at the Singapore Dental...

Recommended Blogs, Vlogs and Podcasts

Being a millennial dental geek, I do enjoy lots of blogs, vlogs and podcasts related to Dentistry. I have made a page of my favourite dental blogs which include Dentists from all over the globe who inspire me. I think these Dentists should be held...

Returning from Singapore

One of the best things me and my wife (also a Dentist, for my sins) did was to move to Singapore to work as GDPs and travel. I used one of my favourite apps, 1 Second Everyday (1SE), to record my Singapore experience. I enjoyed using 1SE more than...